lunes, 21 de julio de 2014

V for Vendetta. Alan Moore, David Lloyd; Andy & Larry Wachowski


V: Yes.

EVEY: V, what's going to happen?

V: Change, Evey. That's all. Just change.

EVEY: Is it going to be violent?

V: Yes, I suppose it will.

EVEY: But why? Why must is be violent?

V: Because, Evey, that is the nature of change. She is a temperamental creature that appears in earnest rarely but, when she does, she will wear one of two faces. The first face is the destroyer. It is lamentable but all true change begins with death.

EVEY: What is the other face, V?

V: The other face? She is the true face of change. The face of the creator. She is the one that remakes the world.

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